Tropical landscapes Grant Fund

Sustainable land use investment is critical in Indonesia. Business financing should contribute to mitigation, biodiversity and adaptation while enhancing gender equality and protecting natural assets. The Tropical Landscapes Grant Fund (TLGF) supports investments that generate financial returns and contribute to climate resilience, degraded land restoration and biodiversity protection as well as improving local livelihoods and gender equality.
Women are key to the transition yet often excluded from the green investment decision. The TLGF pays particular attention to gender equality and human rights, and indeed promotes a preference for women led or managed projects that create positive impacts for women’s prosperity.
About the TLGF
The TLGF is a grant-making initiative helping sustainable land use ventures to improve their chances of securing private sector financing.
- The not-for-profit organizations who are collaborating with for-profit institutions who have impact financing projects
- The not-for-profit organizations can be NGO/CSO, training providers and organizations with agriculture and landscape development background with the areas of works in Indonesia
Geographical Scope
Solely for projects and activities located in Indonesia
Grant Period
Up to 2 years implementation from its initial Signing Agreement
Grant Size
USD 100.000 - 300.000 per grantee. TLGF provides a conventional grant with no expectation of repayment or financial return to the donor
What the TLGF supports
Technical Assistance
- Technical assistance to optimize management effectiveness and advancement of gender equality in projects
- Technical advice & training link to improved agricultural practices & technology adoption throughout the commodity life cycle, market and gender analysis
- Feasibility studies and legal opinions that will help bring a project to bankability
Capacity Building
- Capacity building relates to project's stakeholders, especially women's groups, their participation and engagement, to include broad business skills, financial literacy and access; and enhancing employment opportunities and technical skills on climate-smart agricultural & forestry
- Support for relevant certification or sustainable commodity production certification schemes
How Applications will be evaluated
- Management analysis framework
- Industry analysis framework
- Business analysis framework
- Credit analysis framework
- Environment framework
- Social framework
- Governance framework
Focus on the integration of gender equality and empowerment of all, balance, dimension, and innovation into project selection production certification schemes
TLGF provides consultations to ensure prospective proponents disclose project uniqueness. Applicants should be able to highlight additionality of the Grant to their current resources
Grant Application Procedure
To apply submit concept note to:
- Letter of intent and concept note submissions are open year-round. All concept notes and proposals must be expressed in English and only one submission per organization is allowed
- Submitted concept notes are reviewed and due diligence conducted quarterly
- Selected concept notes are developed into full proposal & potential partners are registered
- Full proposals are reviewed by the Grant Review Committee
- Selected grantees are announced and grants are disbursed

The TLGF is supported by Global Affairs-Canada and operated under the oversight of the UN Environment Programme. For the period of 2021-2026, the GAC has invested CAD 4.8 million for grant disbursement and the technical capacity program.