Climate Finance Unit

Equitable, Net Zero & Nature Positive Finance

Accelerating Private Investment in sustainable land use

UNEP's Climate Finance Unit mission is to actively works to develop innovative solutions to shift capital towards more sustainable forest and agri-food systems. In doing so, we aim to develop into a leading hub, facilitator and public-private platform to generate an inclusive social and economic paradigm shift towards making sustainable land use ultimately the ‘new norm’.

Our vision is for public and private capital to increasingly and systematically finance projects and businesses that achieve ‘net zero, nature positive’ and social impact across the forest and agri-food value chains. Find more

Overall, awareness of the financial materiality of biodiversity loss is rising. Businesses and finance institutions can make a significant contribution to accelerating the transition to net zero, nature positive and equitable investments required by 2025. This requires vision and willingness by governments, businesses, and civil society to put nature and climate investments at the heart of future economic growth. Additionally, governments through regulation, economic incentives and standard setting can advance the transition towards greening finance.

Our transformative journey highlights our dedication to driving meaningful change and advancing solutions for climate, nature and people. Where we have made impacts:

  1. Demand Side - Unlocking Private Finance
  2. Supply Side - Supporting SMEs in Market Development
  3. High Ambition Coalitions
  4. Global & Normative Initiatives

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